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Academic Success Team

The Academic Success team is comprised of MtA students who have excelled in their studies in previous years. They are here to help guide you through a academically successful year while living within residence. If you need help writing essays, doing a lab report or anything academic related feel free to contact them and they will point you in the right direction. Throughout the year they will also hold workshops and make appointments to help with organization, time management and de-stressing throughout the year and around exam time. 


Acmen: Shannon

Hey everyone, my name is Shannon and I am one of your AcMen for the 2020-2021 school year! I am a second year Math & Physics student (or at least that’s my plan) and I cannot wait to be living in Windsor again this year. In my spare time, I like to run in Waterfowl Park and hang out with friends, but you can almost always find me studying in my room (235) or in the second floor lounge. If you have any academic-related questions at any point before or during the school year please reach out to me, I would love to help! I am SO excited to meet you all in September!

Acmen: Suhjung

Hi everyone! My name is Suhjung Chun (S-UH-JUNG) and I'm from Moncton NB and one of the two AcMens for Windsor this year! I'm here to answer any academic related questions you guys might have, and I'm also free to just chat pretty much all the time. My major is chemistry (no decided minor yet, since I'm really hoping to do honors) and my favorite places to study are the super nice lounges in Windsor! If I can't be found in the lounges, I am probably in my room (407) or in one of the amazing cafés downtown. I can't wait to meet and get to know all you Windsorites!

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